Halloween is next weekend! We hope families with children head to the streets for old fashioned trick or treating. We love the adults who set up a block party every Halloween. Those are so much fun.
A few notes:
- Have fun and we hope to see many kiddos out there
- If you want to hand out candy, please turn your light on. If not, please turn it off so that our kids do not bother you with incessant ringing of your doorbell
- Please drive extra slowly through the neighborhood that evening. Some streets are quite dark and little kids in costumes are over excited and hard to see.
Have a spooktacular time!!
Remember the Family Fall Fun event is the next weekend on Saturday at 2:30 pm. Please sign up if you plan to attend or can bring some treats. If you need last minute family photos, we’ll have some hay bails and pumpkins etc. We may also have some Christmas props. I’m sure we can get a decent picture for you to use in Christmas cards, etc.
Sign up here: Heathlake Community: Heathlake Fall Family Fun (photo sessions!) (signupgenius.com)