Cul De Sac Renovation Project
The first phase of the dry cul de sac renovation project covering Ravenmoor, Maple Rock and Clearfork, is complete. The design features a dry creek and plants that are selected to be drought resistant and able to survive without irrigation. While the plants are hardy, they need watering for the first few months until they are established. Volunteers in the cul de sacs have agreed to use water from their external faucets for the initial watering and the watering is being done by volunteers.
The second phase of renovations include Drakemill, Ambergate and Kent Oak. Drakemill and Ambergate have large oak trees and will use the Ravenmoor design. Kent Oak will use the Maple Rock design. Homeowners have agreed to move forward on the plan, which will be implemented in the fall to avoid the hot, dry summer weather.
Please contact Carlton Jones at 281.782.0441 or if you are interested in providing water or participating in watering the plants.
Update courtesy of and authored by Carlton Jones.