Miscellaneous news and information. Do not use this if a post belongs in another category. This category is for “announcements” that do not fit into other categories well.

Briar Forest Super Neighborhood Virtual Public Meeting Notice: Kirkwood Paving and Drainage from Briar Forest Drive to Westheimer Road

The Briar Forest Super Neighborhood is inviting you to a virtual meeting on the Kirkwood Paving and Drainage Project. See details below.

As a valued stakeholder, you are invited to attend a virtual public meeting, where you will get a chance to learn more about the following project:

Project Name:  Kirkwood Paving and Drainage: Briar Forest Dr. to Westheimer Rd

Project Number: N-100029-0002-3

Project Webpagewww.engagehouston.org/kirkwood2

Meeting Details:

  • Date/Time: Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 5:30 PM
  • Location: The meeting will be virtual via (Microsoft Teams)
  • Meeting Link: JOIN LIVE EVENT

Any questions and/or comments prior to the meeting can be emailed to buildforward@houstontx.gov. Tell your friends and neighbors to join us!  

Pool Tile Repair and Updates

On Wednesday 9/15-9/16 the community pool will be closed while Southern Pools is sandblasting, cleaning, grouting, and repairing pool tiles. Once the new grout is laid it will need 24 hours to dry thus we expect the pool to be closed through Thursday, opening back up on Friday.

Sorry for the inconvenience while the work is being performed.

Flash Flood Watch for Houston

Flash Flood Watch for Houston

Weather Information

The National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch for Houston until Tuesday evening.  This means conditions are favorable for flooding to occur.

Heavy rain is expected to begin impacting Houston this afternoon and periods of intense and/or prolonged rainfall may cause flash flooding. 

Tropical Storm Nicholas will move north and make landfall late tonight near Matagorda Bay. Periods of showers and thunderstorms will increase in coverage late this afternoon with periods of heavy rain expected tonight.
Protective ActionsBe Prepared.  People should bring their pets inside and delay travel or outdoor activities during periods of heavy rainfall.  If travel is unavoidable, reduce your speed to avoid hydroplaning.  
If a Flash Flood Warning is issued for your area, DO NOT travel.  
Turn Around, Don’t Drown®:  Do not drive through flooded areas.  If you see water covering the road, do not attempt to cross it.  Only a few inches of water can float a vehicle . If you find yourself in a dangerous situation where your vehicle is taking on water, get out of the vehicle, get to a higher position, and call 911.   
Monitor Official Sources for Current Information:  Harris County Flood Warning System (harriscountyfws.org), Houston TranStar (houstontranstar.org), and the National Weather Service Houston/Galveston Forecast Office (weather.gov/hgx).
Monitor Stream, Bayou, and Creek Conditions:  Rain may move repeatedly across the same area, causing creeks and bayous to rise and possibly exceed their banks.  Stay informed of current conditions and avoid traveling near creeks and bayous.
Avoid Traveling during Periods of Heavy Rain:  Rain can reduce visibility and prevent you from seeing the road ahead, which could lead to accidents.

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Crystal and Carriage Hills Drive – Street Repair – We Need Your Help

As you surely have felt leaving or coming,  Crystal Hills and Carriage Hill Drive have suffered through a great deal of cracking, buckling, and sinking. In response we have seen ineffectual serial patching over the years. The street damage has been exasperated by the sewer work, and increased traffic due to the construction on Kirkwood.

Houston’s 311 Hotline, provides a platform for citizens to inform the city of infrastructure needs such as those mentioned here.  We are requesting your help to assist in improving our neighborhood streets. The priority of this type of work by the city is largely determined by the volume of requests received. Thus, we ask that you call 311 to request repairs on the phone or submit an online request for service at http://www.houstontx.gov/311/.

The more consistent we are in our requests, the better our chances the city will identify the problem as the same one, and increase it’s priority. A sample description of the problem is provided below. 

“Crystal Hills Drive from the intersection with Briar Forest through the turn into Carriage Hill Drive has been ineffectively patched over and over by COH in the past. Recent sewer work on Carriage Hill Dr. increased heavy truck traffic, which resulted in severe cracking and magnified the problems caused by the serial patching. This street section needs to be repaved, not patched. All of Carriage Hill Drive has suffered a great deal of cracking, sinking and buckling precipitated by the sewer work.  Some sections of Carriage Hill were repaved by COH after the sewer work was completed and, as such,  are fine. However, most of the rest of the street remains heavily damaged.   We ask that the heavily damaged sections be repaved, not patched.”

Texas Pride Trash Pickup Delay Update

Texas Pride’s communication on delayed trash pickup (6/28)

Heathlake HOA – “What is being done to complete Mondays service and and what you are doing to make sure that this level of service will not become the norm?”

From Texas Pride 6/29:

“We are continuing to hire to push past labor challenges.” – Kevin Atkinson President & Owner Texas Pride Disposal

From Texas Pride 6/28:

We do apologize for the inconvenience. Monday’s routes are running with delays and should be completed this evening. If we are unable to complete your route tonight, it will be completed by Tuesday evening.

Again, we do apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

Texas Pride Disposal(281)342-8178

Recent Clubhouse Repairs

I gathered from the great turnout last night that you may be interested in seeing a few of the items around the clubhouse area that have been fixed in the past few weeks. Photos attached are of the clubhouse fence, water box, clubhouse foundation, multiple water valves, 3 toilets, 4 sinks, pool, electrical box, and playground fence.
A few of the items that are still in the works are landscaping (Thanks Becky!) and the playground woodchips.
The Pool area will be next now that the clubhouse is open for bookings. If anyone would like to help us bid out pool maintenance, pool cleaning, a water auto-fill mechanism, and or assist with general oversight, please let me know.