Security Survey Results & Update
The results of the security survey are below. You have confirmed we should continue to investigate other options that provide the deterrence and flexibility we need, while being both verifiable and cost effective. As you know, the status quo was the Constable contract alone, and with the reimbursement we received from River Forest, we now have an additional $12K in our budget. We very much appreciate your participation, and were excited to see so many of you respond. Please make a placeholder in your calendar for our next community meeting on April 20th, 7:00 PM, at the clubhouse to hear the Board’s security plan going forward and provide a decision briefing on the various options, with our formal announcement to follow. One immediate aspect in which there was broad community support and we believe we receive the most value is the the added deterrence and verifiability that is achieved through video surveillance, specifically Flock cameras. Consequently, in the coming weeks, the Board approved for these to be installed at the three entrances of our community, along with signage to emphasize to those who enter our neighborhood that they are being watched. An additional post with more detail about these cameras is forthcoming.
Survey Results Summary:
120+ votes per survey
We (Heathlake) are in favor of searching for better and more cost effective security.
We are concerned there are nearly no night patrols.
We do not want to raise dues to have both the Constable and an additional crime deterrent.
We support security cameras.
We would support private patrols.