Security Research Update and Upcoming Landscaping Maintenance Bid

The HOA has made it a priority to look into each of our services throughout 2021.  Our goal has been to optimize and improve those services while minimizing cost and maximizing the community’s benefit. Our vision is for Heathlake to be the community of choice in West Houston. The services analyzed and/or in process of being analyzed in 2021 include landscaping, communications, web services, irrigation, cleaning,  pool maintenance, trash and our security services. 

We are in the midst of researching and improving security and landscaping, our first and third largest expenses. Currently we are: 

  • Preparing and bidding out our 2022 landscaping services. This is being led by Carlton Jones, our landscaping lead, and John Trahan, our landscaping board liaison.
  • Researching our security services. This is being led by Sara Mammadova, our securities liaison and vice president, and Stephen Read, our HOA president.

Due to our Security services being our largest expense, ~40% of our budget, extensive research has been done and we’d like to share a few of our findings with you.

  • Heathlake is part of a 11 member HOA Constable co-op.
  • Heathlake is paying for 1 of the 11 deputies in the coop at a cost of $85,000.
  • The co-op states that the members share costs by means of a $ / home.
  • The average cost per home in the co-op for security services is $208 / home.
  • Heathlake contributes $245 / home to the co-op.  (Heathlake is currently receiving a reimbursement of $10,000 from another co-op participating HOA, otherwise it would be $272/home)
  • Heathlake is paying 18% more per home than the average home in the co-op.
  • The participating HOA under our contract makes up 50% of the total calls (and responses) and pays 11% of the cost. This is an average over the last 7 months.
  • Heathlake’s contracted deputy patrolled our neighborhood 45% of the time for contract checks. This is an average over the last 7 months. 

The data thus far is painting the picture that Heathlake spends more and receives less than the average homeowner participating in the co-op. Sara, Stephen and the rest of the board are currently working with the Constable, Co-Op and surrounding communities to improve the status quo. 

If you would like to participate and/or give back by assisting with landscaping, security services or any other community activity please reach out to or