Miscellaneous news and information. Do not use this if a post belongs in another category. This category is for “announcements” that do not fit into other categories well.

Block Parties were a hit!

We had a great time at the block parties last week. On October 23, we had 7 block parties across the neighborhood. Each party had a good number of participants bringing the total to easily over 125 (maybe more). This makes the block parties the single highest attended social event that we have had in a very long time….particularly an event where residents stayed and visited a while. I want to send a special thanks to all of those who hosted….and thank you to the residents who attended making it worthwhile.

Evelyn Nordin – Heathlake Social Chair

Reminder – November Book Club Meeting

The next meeting of the Heathlake Book Club will be Wednesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm, hosted by Martita Schmuck in her home at 12114 Gladewick Drive.

The book is Dispatches from Pluto by Richard Grant (290 pages).  The author writes with humor, love, and clear-eyed revelations on the Mississippi Delta, which he describes as “the best kept secret in America.”

Come one come all! If you read the book (never a requirement) be prepared to share who is your favorite character!

Clubhouse Fencing

Here are some pictures that show the havoc that time and Hurricane Harvey have wreaked on our Clubhouse fences.


Lets meet our Country Village Neighbors!


Mark your calendar for October 20th Ladies Night! This month we have been invited to Join Country Village’s Women’s Club. Their program this month includes a speaker on the topic of Trees. A member of their women’s club will host everyone at her home on Summerdale St. from 7-9pm. This is a RSVP Event as they need to plan for the appropriate numbers so please RSVP to the neighborhood Facebook invite or to Carolyn at slade.carolyn13@gmail.com or Sarah at sjh6v8@gmail.com so we can add you to the list and get you any additional details. Below is the invite description from Country Village.

“It’s that monthly time for wine, tasty food, and catching up with lovely neighbors! For this month’s program, Brian and Bridget, the husband and wife team of ArborTrue, will be giving us a talk “All about Trees”. So bring all your pressing questions about trees. We sure have a lot of lovely ones throughout Country Village!”

Summary of 2022 Outlook and 2023 Preliminary Budget

I have attached a PowerPoint presentation shown at the September 21 meeting as well as a pdf that shows a bit more detail.

While no one wants to pay more than necessary, the thinking  behind a need for a higher annual fee follow:

  • While we will likely be able to increase our Capital reserves this year slightly. This is the result of
    • the reduction in patrol costs by moving to State Patrol private security
    • and, n spite of the unanticipated need to replace the clubhouse roof, 
  • Capital Reserves have been on a general downward trend over recent years. We need to build the reserves to avoid having one-time assessments when unexpected problems occur.  
    • We currently have a real need to repair/replace much of the fencing in the clubhouse/pool area.  Bruce Nelson has been working on defining the costs. The original estimate of about $19, 000 was included in the latest Budget Proposal. It now appear that the estimate may need to be increased by about $4,000. The next version of the proposed budget will reflect this increase.
    • Many of you may have noticed the uneven floor of the clubhouse. I am sure you are aware of the uneven floor in the clubhouse floor.  We really aren’t exactly sure of the nature of the problem.  However,  I have included an arbitrary cost of $8k for next year.  
    • As you know the air-conditioning system is long past its expiration date.  It is likely to fail at any time.  I have not included anything for its replacement next year, though maybe we should.
    • As the facilities age there will likely be a need to repair or replace many things.  James Healy will be heading up a committee to investigate the future needs as well as capital improvements the community might want.  Please contact Jim or a board member if you would like to participate in this work.
  • Right now, we are up in the air as to what we may have to do with respect to landscaping at the Kirkwood entrance.  An arbitrary amount of about $4k is included to cover whatever we can’t get the COH to cover.  The amount is uncertain at this time.
  • Our neighborhood is showing signs of improvement that reflect an attitude of residents who care.  This can be attributed to projects like the Cul de Sac Landscaping upgrades along with other projects pushed though by our volunteers.

Let me know if you have questions.

October Book Club Meeting

The next meeting of the Heathlake Book Club will be Wednesday, October 12 at 7 pm. We will be discussing the work of historical fantasy,    Ordinary Monsters by J. M. Miro (672 pages). We will meet at Mary Puccini’s home, 12211 Maple Rock Drive at 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to join us is very welcome!!
Mary Puccini

September Ladies Night – 9/22/22

Calling all Heathlake ladies!! Please join us for a fun filled night next Thursday 9/22 as we mix, mingle and play our favorite board games. We love to see new faces and catch up with familiar ones. See you at the clubhouse!

Family Photos – mini sessions!!

For the 2nd year in a row, we will have a photographer doing mini sessions on the clubhouse grounds on the afternoon of November 13. If you need family photos and want an easy and beautiful outdoor location, hre is your chance. All are invited to signup if they wish.

The photographer is Long Shots Photography. Her portfolio can be seen here. Sara Long (photoshelter.com)

Sessions are 15 mins, $225, 10 edited digital photos There are limited slots and so please sign up here… Photography Clients: Family Mini Sessions (signupgenius.com)

If slots fill up, we can request an additional date.

For questions, please ask me Evelyn Nordin eveadele@gmail.com

Block Parties Oct 23

Save the Date for Heathlake Block Parties! Our goal is to have 7-8 block parties across the neighborhood. We will post updates on facebook and the website. These are casual […]

September Book Club Meeting

The Heathlake Book Club is excited about our fall book choices!! The book for Wednesday September 14th is John Grisham’s book    The King of Torts.The meeting will be held at Laura Leib’s house, 1223 Heathwood Dr. at 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to join us is very welcome!!
Laura Leib

Anthills Family Bike Ride – Wednesday due to Monday Holiday

Hey everyone! I’m sorry that last Mondays night ride was cancelled due to the muddy trails.

Next week we will not being having the ride on Monday due to the holiday. We will instead have the ride on Wednesday evening 5:45 meet and 6:00 roll out assuming no rain or muddy trails.

Dairy Ashford and the Bayou Parking Lot

5:45 Meet

6:00 Roll-Out

Bring your helmets and water.

However, if you are looking for a friendly family hiking and biking event on Labor Day there is one at Timber lane. There will be a parade, bike riding, and inflatables for the kids!

See attached flyer for details. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on the trail soon!

Country Village + Heathlake Come Together to Share Amenities

Heathlake and neighboring Country Village have entered into a one year trial agreement where we will share each others’ community amenities. This makes their pool (lap and kiddie), basketball court, community garden, clubhouse and larger playground available to us. In kind, Country Village will have access to our amenities.

Should you be interested in accessing their amenities, please see the message from Country Village below:

The playground is open year round; the pool is only open during the summer months. The pool is currently Swim at Your own Risk. We are required to fill out a waiver and a fob registration form to access the grounds and pool. You can find the form here. Pool hours and rules can be found on Country Village’s website. To access the playground, tennis courts, and pool, please contact the management company (Tami Smith – tsmith@grahammanagementhouston.com) to register for a fob that will unlock the gates. There is a $25 deposit for each fob, which will be refunded to you if you return it upon moving.

Contact the Management Company:

Graham Management
2825 Wilcrest Drive, Ste. 600
Houston, TX  77042

Anthills Trail Vandalism

Please be safe if you are riding and hiking on the #Anthills this week. Unfortunately the trails were vandalized last night and there are a few spots between the entrance on Lashbrook and Kirkwood that are dangerous to walk and ride around until fixed.

Note from GHORBA:

This type of behavior isn’t constructive to the hard work we are doing in the Anthills and could have catastrophic consequences to a rider. Please let us know if you saw anything.

We don’t want to see anyone get hurt on our trails. GHORBA will be helping to fix these issues and we will continue our work to ensure safe trails for everyone.

Monday Night Trail Rides

There was such a nice turnout at our Monday night family ride that GHORBA will carry the torch and continue to host weekly Monday rides. Next week’s ride will be on Monday August 29th and we will meet at the Dairy Ashford parking lot at 5:45 and roll out at 6:00.

All ages and experience levels are welcome.

Remember to bring your helmet and plenty of water.

Carriage and Crystal Hills Construction

As Tikon works their way to Kirkwood repairing our streets be aware that they will need to block driveways. If they are getting close to your house prepare to park elsewhere while your driveway is blocked.

Amendment to Deed Restrictions – Update #3

Announcement of Amendment Posting


The Heathlake Community Association, Inc., vote on the proposed amendment to the Prohibition of Trade and Offensive Activities Deed Restriction has closed.   For an amendment to be approved and passed the Texas Property Code requires 67% of Owners to vote FOR a proposed.  As Owners of 82% of Heathwood Lots, 78% of Woods of Lakeside Lots, 72% of Lakeview Forest Lots, and 75% of Lakeside Venture Lots voted FOR the proposed amendment, that amendment has passed in all the Heathlake Subdivisions

The amendment to the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Deed Restrictions) have been posted to Heathlake.org website, in the Governing Documents section.  Go to Heathlake.org > Sign in > Resources tab > Governing Documents. Each Subdivision’s amendment is titled “2022 – Amendment to the Declaration for [Subdivision Name].  

As has been the case since the Heathlake incorporation, Owners are allowed to lease their homes to individuals or families for single-family residential use.  Going forward, leases for Hotel or Transient-type purposes are prohibited in all Heathlake Subdivisions, except for direct rentals as part of a sale or purchase of the house.   We encourage each Owner to read the amendment and its definitions carefully.

We thank the 83% of all Heathlake Owners who participated in this vote!

August Ladies Night

Ladies Night is back after a short summer break! We are meeting one week later this month on August 25th and we will be playing some of those fun and silly games you see at baby showers in honor of several ladies in our community getting ready to welcome little ones! Come join us for games, snacks and drinks. It is sure to be a fun night. No gifts are Necessary. Feel free to bring a favorite treat to share.

Family Bike Trail Rides

Heathlake Men’s and Women’s club comes together with GHORBA  (Greater Houston Off-Road Biking Association) to bring you a weekly family bike ride.

The ride will start at 6:30 PM every Monday at the Dairy Ashford parking lot along the Buffalo Bayou.  

If you prefer not to ride come out a bit later to meet your neighbors and enjoy food and refreshments.

To kick off our first of many Monday night rides, we will meet at the cul-de-sac on Lashbrook (where the pavement meets the dirt) at 6:15 on 8/22 and ride over to Dairy Ashford together.  If you are not comfortable riding the asphalt whoops along the way to Dairy Ashford’s parking lot feel free to meet us there at 6:30.

If you have any questions you can reach out to Eric Heflin, Carolyn Castelblanco or Stephen Read (president@heathlake.org)