Miscellaneous news and information. Do not use this if a post belongs in another category. This category is for “announcements” that do not fit into other categories well.

Book Club Meeting Schedule

April Ladies Nights – Thursday, April 20th

Mark your calendars for our April Heathlake Ladies Night on Thursday, April 20th starting at 7pm. Debbie has graciously offered to host this month at her house: 1310 Kent Oak Dr. Come join us and get to know fellow women in the neighborhood. Some treats from Phoenicia will be provided!  BYOB and if you wish to bring a snack to share, feel free, but no pressure.

Our theme for this month is:

Favorite Things – Neighborhood Edition

Lets welcome the newest families by introducing them to our favorite things in the area! Restaurants, service providers, family fun spots, dog parks, date night locations, etc…Bring some ideas to share and/or be ready to make your new local bucket list.

March Ladies Night – March 23rd

Mark you calendars for Heathlake Ladies Night on Thursday, March 23rd at the Clubhouse, starting at 7pm. Come join us and get to know fellow women in the neighborhood. BYOB and if you wish to bring a snack to share, feel free, but no pressure.

March Book Club Meeting

ACC Committee Nominations

Calling for nominations for the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).  The HOA board will appoint the ACC committee members from that candidate list at the next board meeting, which is March 22, 2023.

The ACC Committee is a vital role to our community.  The ACC committee works independently from the HOA board in that no board member (nor board member’s spouse) may serve on the ACC committee.  ACC members review and approve any architectural construction/  improvement plans submitted by homeowners to ensure compliance with deed restrictions, quality of materials, harmony of external design, and location in regards to building lines and topography.  ACC committee members educate homeowners of our deed restrictions and work with homeowners on how they can modify a project to conform to deed restrictions if necessary. Please consider serving on this vital committee!

Skills needed:

  1. Willingness to read and comprehend the deed restrictions and Texas Property Code
  2. Ability to be curious and ask questions / seek clarification
  3. Ability to be interested in preserving the sanctity of our community, yet have a desire to support the community as it evolves (our deed restrictions are over 40 years old and it is natural that the interpretation will change or what is written does not address what communities need to consider today eg. Solar panel installation)
  4. Awareness of home owners rights governed by law
  5. A positive attitude to always do what is right for our community at large 

Current and outgoing committee members will train and onboard new committee members.

Time Commitment:  2-4 hours per month

Commitment Period: 1 year

Please submit your contact information and desire to serve on the ACC committee by March 20, 2023 to secretary@heathlake.org 

February Ladies Night, 2/16

Join us for our February Ladies Night. All women of the neighborhood our very much welcome. In addition to our usual socializing we will have the option of coloring. Come relive your youth and enjoy some wine and good conversation. Jennifer has offered to host this month so we will be at her house (1406 Crystal Hills) on Thursday, February 16th starting at 7pm! Feel free to bring a drink or snack to share.

Next Book Club Meetings

The next meeting of the Heathlake Book club will be March 8th at 7 pm at Shea Nagel’s house, 1102 Lashbrook. We will discuss the book, Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty.

Shana Halvorsen will host the April 10th meeting at 1203 Breton Hall. We will choose the next six books we will read and their order.

Mary Puccini

February Book Club Meeting Reminder with Location

The Heathlake Book Club will be meeting on February 8th, 2023 at 7 p.m. We are excited about our book choice; The Candy House by Jennifer Egan.

The meeting location will be Mary Puccini’s home: 12211 Maple Rock Drive.  Anyone wishing to join us is very welcome!!

Mary Puccini

January Ladies Night – 1/19/23

Join us for our January Ladies Night on Thursday the 19th at the Clubhouse. In addition to snacks, drinks and good conversation, we will be having a “Favorite Things” Show and Tell. Show or tell us about something that became your favorite in 2022. It can be a cosmetic item, kitchen gadget, cleaning product, recipe, restaurant, app, book, workout etc. Pretty much anything qualifies…..something that made your life easier or gave you joy in the past year. Feel free to bring a drink or snack to share.

Another week without Recycling Pickup

Last week, a notice from Texas Pride was posted on our website about the lack of a recycling pickup. We got a similar notice this week:

As we continue to work to get past our freeze suspension delays as well as holiday volume, all recycle routes will be collected with garbage the week of January 9-14. We have been unable to catch up on service due to these reasons, and need to utilize all crews to clean up all areas and reset our schedule. If you do not want your recycle disposed of, please hold it and place it out next week.

If you want more immediate notifications from Texas Pride, please find a link on the January 4th post that provided a link to allow you to register for direct bailouts from Texas Pride.

Notifications about Trash and Recycling Pickups

Texas Pride normally notifies us of any variations to our normal trash and recycling pickups. Although we try to post these communications on to our residents in a timely manner. However, in order to avoid cluttering you inbox with too many emails, we only send out eBlasts once a week, on Fridays. You may register with Texas Pride to receive these notifications directly. To do this, click on the following link, entering Heathlake Community Association as your Community: Service Notification Request.

We received the following notification from Texas Pride on January 3. If you are registered, you should have received the same notification.

Due to the excess holiday volume, we are experiencing delays which have led to carryover work that has trickled through this week.  As a result, Thursday’s recycle will be collected with the regular garbage.  For our residents who would prefer it be recycled, please place their recycle out on their next collection day, Thursday, 1/12.  We apologize for any inconvenience, and we appreciate the understanding.

Heathlake Annual Meeting Agenda & Ballot – 7:00 12/14/2022 – Clubhouse

Clubhouse & Pool Access and Security System

The keycard system we currently have to control access to the clubhouse grounds and the pool is outdated.  I believe that it should be  replaced with a system that is easier to use and provides better control and monitoring. Management of the cards is handled by Chelsea Ewton. She is a volunteer, and while she has spent countless hours organizing the system, she has a real job – like many of our volunteers. Many other HOAs have the management company include these things in what they do for an additional cost. Not only is this approach more expensive, but (I believe) not as effective as our volunteers. It is incumbent on us to ease the workload on our the volunteers: otherwise, we will lose them and have difficulty recruiting new ones. This note is divided into three sections.

  • Current System – The current system and its drawbacks
  • Improved Access Control – A proposed system that would overcome shortcomings of the current system
  • Surveillance System – A proposed camera surveillance system to improve security

Current System

Chelsea has worked hard to take the data that have been gathered through the years and to organize these data into something that can be analyzed and used. However, there are obstacles that are difficult to overcome.

  • She has taken all the pool waivers she received on paper, combined them with a “Master List” that she received by email, and organized them by address in a spreadsheet to facilitate tracking and analysis.
  • We do not have a good handle on where all the cards are. Of the more than 650 cards that we believe have been distributed, we can associate less than half of the card codes with households.
    • Some have left the area when people moved out. 
    • Some were lost. 
    • The data associated with distributed cards may not have been captured.
    • Some of the key codes are duplicates and, therefore, demonstrably incorrect.
    • According to the data we have, we estimate that 294 cards have been distributed to 264 homes. Note that there is a total of 312 homes in the neighborhood
  • Assignment and deletion of valid key codes is difficult: it requires going physically to the two readers at the grounds entrance and at the pool with a keypad. We recently had one of the readers fail and it was replaced. Because of the uncertainty as to the whereabouts of all the cards, the system was programmed to validate all the cards we have received for both readers. Although we could correct this by disabling all the codes we cannot account for, this would be very time-consuming (requiring the recruiting of additional volunteers to avoid locking some valid cards out.

Improved Access Control

Our current system could be replaced by a cloud-based system that is easier to use and gives us better control over access to our facilities by residents and contractors. 

 Current SystemProposed System
ConceptLocal reader that allows access to all keys that have been enabledCloud based system that allows timed entry to each gate by user
Programming methodKeypad in close proximity to readers at gateInternet Access by computer or smart phone
Access DeviceKey cardsFobs, keycards, and/or smart phone apps
Access controlManually turn on or offAccess schedules specified by system administrator and changed remotely.
Data availableNoneData reporting what access codes were used and when.

The cost of this system would be about $5300 (installation) plus $60/mo. 

Surveillance System

I also propose that we add a four-camera surveillance system. The features of this system are summarized below:

  • Four high resolution cameras would be installed on the outside of the clubhouse, aimed as follows.
    • Clubhouse entry and parking lot
    • Grounds entry gate and entry to playground
    • Pool gate
    • Tennis courts
  • Cameras would be motion activated
  • Cameras’ live feeds could be shared with security service
  • Cost of the system would be about $3100 plus $25/mo.

2nd Annual Holiday Party

is this Friday, Dec 2. 5:30-9:00pm at the clubhouse. Stop by!

January Book Club Meeting

The Heathlake Book Club will be meeting next in the New Year, and we are excited about our book choice!! The book for January 11th is  Blake Crouch’s book Dark Matter.

The meeting will be held at Patty Campo’s house, 1115 Heathwood Ct. at 7 p.m. Anyone wishing to join us is very welcome!!

Laura Leib

Contact List Released

I have recently become aware that our Heathlake contact list, of which includes emails, was shared by a board member.  I would like to personally apologize for this having happened as we committed to “respect the privacy of our neighbors” when you provided us with your personal information. As some of us transition off of the board in 2022 and hand off our responsibilities we will make sure to share the importance of keeping our information confidential and will work to ensure the same mistakes do not happen again.

You may have received emails in the past and may receive more in the future related to our community but not sourced from our website, the secretary, or other board members. If you have any questions about HOA business, affairs, or future plans, please be aware the information that does not come through a board member or www.heathlake.org may be false, fishing and or a personal opinion.

Again, I am sorry that your private information was shared and ask for you to increase your awareness on communications not sourced from our website, e-blast, or a board member. If you have any further questions or concerns about the release of your personal contact information you can reach me at president@heathlake.org

We are currently discussing if any further actions can or should be taken to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Your neighbor and president,

Stephen Read

The Heathlake Holiday Party is 2 weeks away!

We hope to see all of you at the clubhouse on Friday, Dec 2 starting at 5:30pm. We will have a food truck (for purchase), desserts, drinks, movie, music, etc. And Santa is coming!!

If you wish to volunteer to bring a dessert or drink to share, please see the sign up at Heathlake Community: 2nd Annual Heathlake Holiday Party! (signupgenius.com)

Contact Evelyn Nordin with any questions. eveadele@gmail.com

November Ladies Nights

Calling all Heathlake Ladies! Please join us Thursday, November 17th for our November Ladies Night. We will be hosting our Country Village neighbors and decorating pine cones for the birds. This is a great way to expand our neighborhood connections and make new friends! As always please bring a beverage and/or an appetizer to share.

It’s almost time! The 2nd Annual Heathlake Holiday party is less than a month away!

We will have our holiday party at the Clubhouse on Friday, December 2 at 5:30. Very much like last year, we will have a food truck, snacks, desserts, drinks, music, an outdoor movie, and………Santa! It is free to attend. The only cost is the food truck, which is optional. You can bring your own food if you wish, and we will have snacks, desserts, and drinks available for free as well. We had a great time last year with nearly 100 attendees.

We do need help to make the party a success. Please see the linked sign up for ways to help.
